Cooperatives and Peace: Strengthening Democracy, Participation and Trust - A Case Study Approach
Kooperationen har sammen med Cooperative College (UK), Coopermondo (IT) og Cooperatives Europe udgivet en omfattende rapport om kooperativernes bidrag til konfliktforebyggelse og fredsopbygning.
Rapporten indeholder en række konklusioner og anbefalinger rettet specielt til politikere, beslutningstagere og eksterne partnere, herunder lokale aktører og NGO-organisationer.
Rapporten “Cooperatives and Peace: Strengthening Democracy, Participation and Trust - A Case Study Approach” tager udgangspunkt i 20 casestudier af kooperativer fra 14 forskellige lande.
Ved at fremlægge konkrete eksempler, viser rapporten hvordan kooperativer giver marginaliserede grupper, der er ramt af konflikter, anstændige jobs og økonomisk bæredygtig vækst. Rapporten giver endvidere eksempler på, hvordan kooperativer spiller en vigtig rolle i fredsopbygning verden over og dermed bidrager til at opfylde FN’s verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling.
Kooperativer har en vigtig konfliktforebyggende rolle i samfund, der er ramte af borgerkrig, og som står over for vedvarende udfordringer. Kooperativer bidrager således aktivt til at opbygge selvforsynende og modstandsdygtige lokalsamfund ved at fremme dialog og demokratisk deltagelse og dermed give borgerne håb for en bedre fremtid.
Rapporten støttes af ICA og repræsentanter fra civilsamfundet, lokale myndigheder og EU-Kommissionen. MEP Stelios Kouloglou, næstformand for DEVE-udvalget i Europa-Parlamentet, fremhæver vigtigheden af at indgå partnerskaber med kooperativer som et led i fredsprocesser: "Partnerskaber med kooperativer er fundamentale for beslutningstagerne, som dermed kan søge støtte i international kooperativ udvikling til at forebygge konflikter, skabe sikkerhed og opbygge stabile og legitime stater”. Læs rapporten her.
Rapport: Building Strong Development Cooperatives
Formålet med rapporten Building Strong Development Cooperatives er at styrke samarbejdet mellem kooperativer og EU-institutioner samt diskutere og finde svar på de udfordringer, som både eksisterende og fremtidige partnerskaber mellem kooperativer og EU i dag står overfor.
Rapporten giver endvidere et indblik i kooperativernes specifikke arbejdsmetoder og målsætninger inden for bæredygtig udvikling og de fordele der er i samarbejdet mellem kooperativer og internationale institutioner. Med Building Strong Development Cooperatives ønsker CEDP dels at synliggøre den kooperative forretningsmodel og udbrede fordelene ved nye kooperative forretningsformer, dels at belyse, hvordan EU kan inddrage kooperativer i grænseoverskridende problemstillinger og i udviklingsarbejde med henblik på en forstærket dialog.
Du kan hente projektrapporten her: Building Strong Development Cooperation Partnership Opportunities Between Cooperatives and the EU (pdf) Du kan læse et interview om Kooperationens rolle i CEDP her
Report: “Good practices in international cooperative development: Why creating a knowledge sharing culture is key for international cooperative development work”
Aiming to foster a better understanding of the methods and approaches used by the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP) organisations in their international cooperative development work, the document maps the CEDP activities in diverse geographic and thematic areas, showcasing good practices and tools used by members.
This research is intended to encourage partnerships between CEDP members by highlighting each organisation’s specific expertise as well as potential synergies, and to enable external actors to better understand the advantages of international cooperative development as a successful development approach.
Carried out in the framework of the ICA-EU Partnership (#coops4dev), the new research was led by Cooperatives Europe, The Co-operative College, Coopermondo-Confcooperative and Kooperationen, and supported by all CEDP members.
This publication has been produced with the fnancial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe, and can in no way be taken to refect the views of the European Union.
Cooperatives in Development
‘Cooperatives in development' was a project led by Cooperatives Europe and co-financed by the European Commission under the Non-State Actors (NSA) grant scheme. This initiative, which started in September 2012 and ended in September 2015 built upon the activities of the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP), aimed at fostering exchanges within the global cooperative network for an impact-driven, coordinated, and sustainable cooperative development approach.
CEDP members seek to enhance dialogue with the EU institutions, providing decision-makers with input and data from grass-roots cooperatives so as to support coherent EU policy-making and strategic planning, and advocating for greater visibility of cooperatives within EU policies, and they meet every 4 months to share good practices and plan common activities for the strengthening of the cooperative development network.
The success of the project has been the catalyser for the new ICA-EU partnership on co-operative development, which started in March 2016. In the same lines of the CEDP, the Global Co-operative Development Platform (GCDP), launched in October 2016 during the International Summit of Co-operatives, represents an effort from global co-operative actors involved in development, to exchange knowledge, strengthen networks and raise visibility and knowledge about the role co-operatives play in international development. Within the GCDP, the CEDP represents the expertise of Cooperatives Europe in international development.
Cooperatives are an effective tool in international development since they are run by and for local people, developing, and passing on, the business expertise. Profits generated stay local, and are invested in the cooperative, the local area or distributed to the local owners.
Project partners: Kooperationen (DK), AJEEC-NISPED (Israel), Cecop-Cicopa Europe, CERA-BRS (Belgium), The Co-operative College (UK), Coopermondo-Confcooperative (Italy), DGRV (Germany), Eurocoop (EU), Legacoop (Italy), WeEffect (Sweden).
Associate partners: ACC – The Central Union of Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperatives (Turkey), The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO), ICA - International Cooperative Alliance (central Offices), ICA Africa, Cooperatives of the Americas, ICA Asia Pacific.
Go to the CEDP Platform
Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP)
Kooperationen deltager i projektet Kooperativer for udvikling. Projektet, der er ledet af Cooperatives Europe, er medfinansieret af Europa-Kommissionen i henhold til ikke-statslige aktørers tilskudsordning.
Projektet bygger på aktiviteterne i Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP). Projektet blev lanceret i 2012 og tager udgangspunkt i arbejdsmetoder og strategier til udviklingen af kooperativer verden over. Projektet sigter mod at implementere erfaringer med henblik på en systematisk, effektdrevet og bæredygtig tilgang, der skal gøre den kooperative forretningsmodel mere synlig blandt den enkelte, samfundet og staten.
Projektet søger ligeledes at forstærke dialogen mellem de kooperative organisationer og EU-beslutningstagere med henblik på at skabe sammenhæng mellem EU-politikker og strategisk udvikling af nye kooperativer, således at den kooperative forretningsmodel opnår større synlighed indenfor EU.
Projektpartnere er: Kooperationen (DK), AJEEC-NISPED (Israel), Cecop-Cicopa Europe, CERA-BRS (Belgium), The Co-operative College (UK), Coopermondo-Confcooperative (Italy), DGRV (Germany), Eurocoop (EU), Legacoop (Italy), WeEffect (Sweden).
Associerede partnere: ACC – The Central Union of Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperatives (Turkey), The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO), ICA - International Cooperative Alliance (central Offices), ICA Africa, Cooperatives of the Americas, ICA Asia Pacific.
Cooperative Development
International cooperative development is an approach that focuses on creating wealth, promoting a better quality of life, and reducing poverty through the promotion of the cooperative business model and the capacity building of cooperative entrepreneurship worldwide. Cooperatives as member-owned and member-driven enterprises have a proven track-record of being socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.
Cooperatives Europe Development Platform is a European group of national cooperative federations led by Cooperatives Europe and which works on issues of development policy and development implementation where and when cooperatives are involved.
ICA-EU Partnership / #coops4dev - marks the set of common interests and objectives of a Strategic Partnership between the ICA and the European Commission until 2020 to: promote a conducive environment for cooperatives in partner countries; enhance a meaningful and structured participation of cooperatives in domestic policies of partner countries, EU development programmes and international processes; increase regional and global cooperative capacity to perform their roles as independent actors more effectively.